Avery's First Sled/Sleigh

We just got about 3 to 4 inches of snow with a bit of ice mixed in. Unfortunately, all of the stores were sold out of sleds so Jenn and I had to improvise. I figured a large storage bin lid would work. And then Jenn came up with the idea of using a jump rope as a way to drag it. The hill in our backyard was a bit to steep to sled down safely with Avery, but she loved getting rides around the yard and neighborhood.

I was excited to show Avery the wonders of snow building. Snowballs, snow forts, snowmen, etc. But, the icy, crunchy snow wasn't good for building anything. Or so we thought. We made snow towers by stacking the plates of snow. We made one for each member of the family. It was fun to get outside and play in the snow.


Mrs. Guthrie said...

Looks like you guys had a blast!! :) Good job improvising, daddy!! :)

Sarah Marie said...

Cute! Cute! Cute Family!

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