Growing, Growing, Growing!

Growing, Growing, Growing!
Even though it's only been a week and a half since she turned 2 months, Avery is doing so much more now. Yesterday in the car I got her to laugh, it was the funniest thing! I just kept saying "Mommy" or "Daddy." In general I guess I'm a pretty funny person anyway. So, that's a new and amazing development. We'll have to catch her cute laugh on video and share it with everyone.

Avery hasn't quite discovered her hands, but she does open them more now and realize that she can grab her burp cloths, clothes and blankies. She's also trying to put her hands and thumb in her mouth. For those of you who remember our 4D sonograms, she was sucking her thumb in utero and she also was sucking her thumb in the hospital after her birth, but once we left the hospital she was all about the binkie (pacifier.) I think one day she'll get used to it and be a thumb sucker once again.

She just graduated to stage 2 diapers (12-18lbs) because she's now 13lbs!!! Since she's bigger too we've upgraded and took out the hammock from the baby tub. She's now in the tub without it, which she loves because she can splash Daddy more during her baths.

That's about it for now, I feel like she is growing up so fast, so we'll see what happens next.


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