The Purple Dot

Joel and I decided to get Avery's ears pierced for several reasons including wanting to aleviate any pain later in life and also to stop people from asking if she is a girl or a boy. (Although not sure if this will help any.) The doctor said once we got her 2 month shots we could get them done. With the move and everything crazy going on we haven't really thought about it until now.

Our pediatrician in Alexandria actually pierces infants ears in the office. I felt like that was a great service and definitely a good idea, however our pediatrician down here in North Carolina doesn't do that. So, on to other alternatives.

Last night, on Joel's b-day we went to the mall located just a couple minutes from our house. We grabbed a bite to eat in the food court and Avery was an angel. We decided we'd get her ears pierced as well and talked to Guest Services to find a Piercing Pagoda, none there. They directed us to Claire's or Icing which are pretty regular piercing places too. Before we went, Joel had to pick out some new work pants at Belk, she was getting a little fussy so I took her out of her stroller and we walked around.

After 6 pairs of slacks we went looking for Claire's. Once we got there an older girl was getting her ears pierced. So, we waited and Avery was pretty good, just gnawing on her hand. (Which she love love loves to do lately.)

When it came to our turn I was a little nervous but I sat in the tall chair with her as Joel filled out the consent form. She wasn't really too wiggely until the piercing lady started trying to mark her ears. Mind you Avery had a rough day with barely any naps in the first place.

I think the piercer was a little nervous because she made at least 10 different marks, not by my own request, it's just she couldn't get the right spot. This was making me nervous because at this point it was only a marker, I couldn't imagine a piercing gun with that shakiness. I think Avery sensed my nervousness and also didn't like me holding her head so still. So, we called it off, the piercer, Joel and me and especially Avery.

She's left with purple barren lobes from the marker they used, but hopefully those lobes will be filled with beautiful girlie earrings some day. We're planning to take her again to the closest Piercing Pagoda because it's their specialty, plus they say they can do both lobes at the same time. Hopefully next time she'll be donning some earring studs.


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