A Quarter Year Old!

Avery just turned 3 months old. We can't believe how much she's grown. Last doctor's appointment she weighed 13 pounds 10 ounces and grew from 21 inches to a whopping 23 inches, soon she'll be as tall as mommy.

She's doing so much now, she's super chatty as you can see from our previous post. She's also noticed that she has hands and feet and especially loves her toes, although she can't quite reach them yet. Since she knows she's grabbing anything from blankies to mommy's hair. Avery has rolled over twice but I think that's pretty much a fluke, nothing on purpose yet. But, she's very active so I wouldn't be surprised if it happens soon. She has been pulling her head up and has great neck control.

Avery's personality is definitely flourishing. She's a very happy baby, smiles tons and has started laughing out loud. She has strong likes and dislikes and is not shy about letting us know. Food is something she is very interested in, especially when Joel and I are eating, so I think she's going to be ready for solids within the next month or so.

Since she has turned 3 months and also had her first round of shots, we also go her ears pierced. We had them done on 8-18, the exact date she turned three months. She did a great job, only a little bit of crying...from Joel. No, just kidding. Seriously though she was just a little fussy, but looks super cute and now people will know she's a girl too!

We encourage you to check out our flickr account for updated pictures. I take new ones almost daily and boy is she changing.


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