Merci, Gracias and Thank you

This Thanksgiving Day we had so much to be thankful for. We have wonderful family and awesome friends. We also have our darling daughter Avery who is growing so big every day. God has blessed us to be able to buy a beautiful house in Charlotte and Joel has a great job that he loves and allows me to stay at home with Avery.

We traveled to Virginia and spent Thanksgiving day at the Bullock's (Joel's parents.) Their Thanksgivings are pretty big and usually most of the Bullock side of the family come from all over Virginia to celebrate.

Joel and I definitely wanted Avery to be able to see her extended family and of course Grandmom and Granddad too. Most of them hadn't seen her in a while and a few had never met her so it was a treat.

We enjoyed a great meal, good fellowship and even got to relax a little bit. We finally headed back to North Carolina on Saturday, God blessed us with safe travel and good weather. It was so nice to see everyone and definitely made me wish we were a little closer, but we're definitely loving Charlotte as well.


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