Cousin Christian, Carrie-ann, who??

This past Monday and Tuesday we had the pleasure of having a second visit from my paternal cousin Christianne. A lot of people have issues with her name, thus the title. Anyway, she's a teacher in Cary, North Carolina and is about 2-3 hours from us. We've been very fortunate that she's been able to have work off and come down to Charlotte to see us.

Christianne is my closest cousin and we were in a few classes in school together. We were also both born in December (different years) !! We are the oldest of our families and her sister and my brother are also very close in age.

When we both went away to college we didn't keep in touch but now that we are living in the same state there's no excuse for us. Last visit she came down with her friend Lindsey and they stayed for an afternoon/early evening, it was great to catch up and it seemed like no time had passed between us.

This visit was even nicer because she was able to stay a little longer. We had lunch together and Avery loved playing with Christianne. We decided to go visit the mall to get out of the house for a little bit. Chris bought Avery a cute little outfit which I can't wait for her to wear. That night we had a homemade roast dinner and enjoyed some time with me, Christianne and Joel (Avery had gone to bed.)

The next day we got up and got ready for her departure. SAD! But before we sent her off we had to take her, for her first time ever, to PF Changs. We had some good food, had a good waiter and enjoyed spending some quality time together.

All in all it was a great visit, I love my cousin bunches and can't wait till we get together again!! Plus someday hopefully I will be able to meet her boyfriend and cute puppy.


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