The Pink Room Is Hoppin!

Wow, so we've had Jessica and Brandon, Joel's parents and now our friend Rushel from Virginia. The pink room is getting lots of use!

We got a special visit from Rushel this past weekend, after lots and lots of bugging her to come visit she finally had a break in her schedule. Luckily it had only been a couple of months since we last saw her in Virginia.

Avery awoke to Rushel pulling up to our house. After getting settled Rushel broke out some great presents for Avery's first birthday. Avery was so not interested in the bag, she wanted to play with her toys. But finally once I started pulling things out she got the hint.

Rushel got Aves some super cute clothes, yeah for new wardrobes!! She also got her a fun magna doodle type toy that Avery loves playing with. Here's one of her cute outfits:

Joel was a superhero this weekend, he grilled turkey burgers and hot dogs for us, went out another night to get us tasty food from TGIFriday's and also stayed home with Avery while Rushel and I went to go see Baby Mama.

It was so nice to get out with Rushel, it had obviously been a very long time since the two of us had hung out alone and an even longer time since I've been to the theater to watch a movie. The last time I watched anything in a movie theater was when I was 9 month pregnant and huge and it was soooo uncomfortable. So this trip was so different in a lot of ways. The movie was really cute though. It sort of made me want to be a surrogate, but in reality I know it probably wouldn't work. It'd be so hard for me to give up a lil person who was growing and kicking and squirming inside me. But I give so many props to people who do it.

Rush and I had a great conversation and throughout the trip, her, Joel and I talked a lot about work and politics and life in general, it was great to catch up. We even had a fun trip to Coldstone where we had some yummy ice cream. We figured out though that Avery doesn't really care for Strawberry ice cream, we got her a little taster and she could have cared less about it.

Thanks for coming down to visit Rush!!


Anonymous said...

Jenn, I had such a fantastic time in NC. It was great to hang out with you, and to just sit and talk with my oldest friend. It's been so long since we've done that. I wish we could do it more often. I love you, Joel and Avery. There is nothing like being with you. Thanks again for having me.

Liana said...

OH WOW - Rush! SO great to see her, even if on "blogland!"

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