Losing My Wisdom

I've up and done it, lost my wisdom, but only in the form of bone and enamel. A few years ago at a dentist appointment the doctor explained to me that I only had two wisdom teeth in my mouth and that they would probably never erupt. You don't know how excited I was to hear this news after all of the fun wisdom teeth removal stories I've heard!

Nonetheless I really didn't pay much attention to my widsom teeth until about 2 weeks ago when I really noticed one of my wisdom teeth emerging like a hatching chick, and it was not too fun. Because it was back so far and very hard to get a toothbrush back there it got infected which made matters worse.

I decided it had been a while since I went to the dentist anyway so I got a couple of referrals and found a great dentist office. They cleaned my teeth and referred me to an oral surgeon. Everything happened very fast, I was on antibiotics, went from my dentist on Thursday, had my consultation the next Monday and then had my surgery appointment for Friday.

I got lucky with some great service and very nice people to work with. I took Friday off and Joel and Avery went to hang out while I got my wisdom teeth removed. After I was a little groggy and had my mouth stuffed with cotton, but other than that I felt okay and Avery didn't seem to realize anything was different. She was preoccupied with all the fun new "toys" at the doctor's.

The past three days I've been sleeping a lot, eating very soft foods, soups, ice creams and progressing to a little firmer foods, taking my medicine. Avery and Joel did a great job of taking care of me this weekend. We even got some fresh air on Sunday afternoon, which was nice.

I'm still a little sleepy and a tiny bit swollen, but getting back to normal slowly but surely. Now I have two less things to worry about, and I still feel just as wise as ever.

(I debated whether to put a picture of me up, but decided if I wanted to keep readers I should steer clear. The picture of the tooth is not mine, but it is a real tooth. :))


Unknown said...

I don't envy the recovery you are facing...did it myself 9 years ago, but got all four out!

Hope you heal quickly!

BTW, I tagged you in my latest post!

Liana said...

hi jenn...
poor girl, i keep refusing to get mine out.
i'm a wimp.

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