Happy 29th Birthday Jenn!

Jenn Gets Another Year Wiser
Today, Jenn turns the ripe old age of 29. Yes, the twenties are quickly fading away for both of us. This time next year we'll both be 30 and climbing the proverbial 'hill'. There are several surprises on the schedule for today. I would go into detail, but I'm pretty sure Jenn reads the blog. The other night I whispered some of the top secret plans to Avery with Jenn in the room. Then, Avery blurted out "Surprise!"

We'll have to work on our secret keeping, Aves.

Happy Birthday Jenn/Momma!
-From Joel & Avery


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Jenn! Hope you enjoy your surprises from you loved ones!!!

BTW, 30 isn't so bad, neither is 31 and I guranteed 32 is just a good :)! I'll be there in 2 short months...

Amy Clary said...

Aw, I love surprises! I bet her birthday went great. :)

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