Jenn's Fit Favs

With my current adventures in health, fitness, and weight loss, I've come across a few helpful things that I love (or hate to love.) I thought I'd share with those of you who're interested or even those of you who are bored and have nothing better to do!

These are rated in no particular order because it would take me forever to create a fair rating scale.

So here are my current "Fit Favs";

I like Wii Fit

This is one of my favorites because we already have the Wii and it's a good use for it. It also has some great work out tips and I love that it measures not only my weight but also my BMI (Body Mass Index-a measure that relates a person's weight to their height.) Personally I stick to the Basic Step where I can watch T.V. while I step, occasionally I'll do boxing for a little bit of cardio. Now I wouldn't substitute my other work out methods for Wii Fit, but it's great for people who've been sedentary as well as those wanting to do something light on their "off days." Not only does it have fun balance games, running, and strength, but it also has some yoga moves.

And Weight Watchers

I love Weight Watchers. I never thought I would join WW but it's been a blessing to me for the main fact that I have tried time and time again to track my food but this has been the one thing that I've stuck to. If you do not have a support team, people who are either trying to lose weight with you or people who you can be accountable with I would suggest getting a membership where you can go to the meetings. You get materials, weigh in, and have a 30 minute meeting where you chat and could potentially make some buddies. Because my adventure involves several people and I have a great support system I only went to the meetings a little while to get my initial materials and get the hang of the "Points" system.

It was a little bit of a hassle with a very active and chatty 1 year old, but it was nice to weigh in every week and have that person cheering you on no matter how much you lost.

My favorite part of Weight Watchers Online though is the fun message boards where you can chat about everything and anything. It's great because you have thousands of opinions and can track everything online from your eating habits to work outs.

You Gotta Have Water

I wish I could say that I drink enough of this tasty beverage, but I don't. Then again I'm not sure that one can ever have enough water. I definitely notice that my work outs and eating habits are directly effected if I don't consume at least 6 glasses of water if not more.

My Poor Jogging Stroller

Although it seems as though my awesome jogging stroller may be collecting a little bit of dust these rainy days I do love it. Not only does Avery have a blast on jogs but there's an input for my music should I ever want to use that feature. I think we'll be taking this to the park regularly since we have the mini-van this summer.

Chili and I don't mean Cold
Chili's has this awesome Guiltless Grill and unlike a lot of restaurants, it actually is pretty healthy for you. So far I've only had their Buffalo Chicken Sandwhich but it's delicious.

My only qualm with eating out is that the person preparing the food doesn't care how much oil/cheese/anything they use. For the most part I think things are measured for this dish, however the last time I got it there was at least a cup of parmesan cheese on my broccoil, that'll add some calories. Just make sure you know what portions are and you'll be dandy!

Pick me up

Weights, weights, weights are the key to toning. If you want to lose weight while toning do some cardio mixed with weights. Once you start to feel like you're not lifting anything work your way up to a heavier set. I'd say start with nothing higher than 3 lbs if you're a beginner.


I don't know what I did without this delicious treat before I knew about it. Perhaps it was always destined to be in my life. I do wish these scrumptious vittles were a little bit cheaper, but it's great that they sell them in the stores freezer section, in the baking aisle, and online as well. My favorite is Deep Chocolate, (big surprise) and the brownies are awesome as well. They're a great snack for Weight Watchers. Check out my post about these treats: Vitamuffins

Stay There Hair

I love the Scunci athletic headbands, they're no-slip grip and I got some that have really fun colors too! I think they give me the power to be a work out maniac. Well maybe not, but they keep the hair out of my face at least.

Jill Rocks my Body

Now to play a little bit of favorites I am in love love love with Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser. When I would watch previous seasons of Biggest Loser I did not like Jillian or at least the way she was portrayed. I found her workouts on Time Warner On Demand for FREE, zero deneros, on the exercise channel and have been a loyal follower ever since. I've tried her 30 day Shred levels 1 and 2, Boost Metabolism, and No More Trouble Zones and have great results. So I highly recommend Jill and her workouts!

So those are my current Fit favs! Taking me down my road of weight loss, fitness, and health.


Jess said...

I just started the 30 day Shred, plus my wonderuful hubby picked up some 5lb. weight's (they were meant for him), but I have been using them too, hehe!

Hannah said...

Great post! I bought the Wii Fit in part because of things you had posted about it before and because my mom loves it. And I LOVE it!!
I had no idea there were free exercise workouts on my cable! Thank you thank you thank you! I have been thinking about buying Jillian's Wii workout but now thanks to you, I can try her workouts for FREE!

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