The White Stuff

When asked if it snows in North Carolina two years ago, I would have said, "Snow? Ha ha, maybe an inch."

Well we actually got a few inches this past Sunday night and it's a big deal here not only because it's rare but also because North Carolina doesn't have the same clean up funding as New York, for the obvious reasons.

Here are some pictures of our front yard and back yard that night:

And Monday morning:

And our makeshift snowman. We really could have used Joel for this task.

Even with the stores out of bread, milk, and water my darling husband braved the roads and made it in to work Monday morning. We wish he would have had a day off to play with us in the snow, but he wasn't that fortunate.

Instead, Avery and I are bundled up to brave the white stuff. Since we live in the South I didn't see the need to buy Avery a snow suit and boots, so we made do. Yes those are my ankle socks that go over her calves.

She loved clapping her mittens together and being bundled up.

When I opened the back door she excitedly said, "Snow!" Then, she took a step in it and it was a totally different story. She froze up, (pun intended,) and freaked out *See scared face*....

But it wasn't long before she decided that it was fun to play in.

As for this coming weekend, it'll be a tad different than our last. We have some high 70 degree weather coming, welcome to the South!


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