With Bowed Heads

Since Avery was small we would say prayers with her. When she started talking she would "join" us in praying, wanting to hold hands or chime in on a few words. Well, today, she was sitting in her highchair ready to eat dinner and I heard her announce, "Avery pray." Then I heard the following:

"Dear Jesus, De Do for Day, De Do for ebrysing, De Do for ebrysing, De Do for ebrysing, A-men!"

Mommy translation: "Dear Jesus, Thank You for this day, thank You for everything, thank You for everything, thank You for everything. A-men."

It warmed and broke my heart at the same time. We love that she is so eager to pray and we pray for our amazing daughter, our gift from God each and every day.


Unknown said...

The funny thing is I didn't even need the mommy translation to know what Avery was saying. Guess you gotta be a parent of a toddler to speak toddler-ese.

Our boys always say thank you for chocolate milk even when they don't actually have chocolate milk and have done it for years. Makes me smile every time!

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