2's and 5's

Hmm 2's and 5's what's that a card game?? Nope, it's actually how old Avery is 2.5 years old and how far along I am in this pregnancy 5.25 months. Strange huh? Exactly one day apart from each other.

My 2.5 year old is doing amazing these days. She is loving going to the library to get books and videos, wanting to pretend and make up songs all the time, and she actually ate pasta for the first time in her entire life. I know I know what kid doesn't like pasta, well mine I guess. (See future posts on the pasta eating.)

Here's a cute video of Avery singing her favorite Church Nursery song, Baby Bumble Bee....

As for baby we're about 90% sure we've decided on a name (if she really is a girl ;) ) but have decided not toshare the name with anyone until she's finally here. Sorry folks we thought it'd be a nice surprise. Little baby is very healthy and growing so much. I've been feeling her move for about 10 weeks here and there and now I'm feeling her every day through the day. Joel finally felt her kick the other night, hooray! I think this is my favorite part of being pregnant, feeling little one move around even if I am being abused *LOL*

I'm growing growing and loving my baby bump :)

Other than our 2's and 5's we're happy to report that we've found a home church! Praise God!!! We've really been searching on and off and are glad to have a church we all like. Joel and I are blogging like crazy, as he helps me on my redesign for MommyBKnowsBest and I can't wait to launch.

We're getting ready for the holidays, Thanksgiving in Virginia and Christmas in New York and can't wait to see family and friends.


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