Birth to Teenager

Baby Acne Strikes Colbie Bullock!! Miss Avery never had baby acne so when Colbie got it I didn't know what to do. Of course I read up on it, asked all of my other experienced momma friends, and my pediatrician, and found out that it's perfectly normal, but boy did it annoy me!

I was told to just leave it alone, it would dry up and go away and it did....all the while Colbie was a happy girl, it didn't matter to her that her face was red and bumpy, that's my happy little peanut.

and here's her beautiful cleared up face:

My sweet babe!


Mrs. Guthrie said...

Aw! Glad she was happy all the way through!! :) Trust me, getting a pimple when they're nine is NOT so carefree!! ;)

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