Miss Avery turns 3

I know every mom says time flies when it comes to their kids growing up, and it's painful but also exciting. Avery's birthday fell on a Tuesday this year and since we like to have her parties on the weekend I decided that we'd still celebrate on the actual day of her birthday.

And what's a birthday without a cute shirt and even cuter pose.

"I'm 3"

We started the day off by heading over to Dunkin Donuts to grab some munchkins to eat on our way to our friend's house Noele, Abigail, and William, they were messy but delicious and something we rarely do, but this was a very special day for a beautiful three-year-old.

Once we got to the M family's house we enjoyed some play time and Avery got a fun present....she's faster than the average pre-schooler, stronger than a baby, it's.....Super Aves!!!

For lunch we decided that since we were on the road we'd just grab McDonalds, but it was so not a great choice, first they forgot the happy meal, thank goodness I didn't drive off, after driving around they gave us the Happy Meal and I proceeded to drive home, I don't know why I decided to check close to home, but right before we got to our exit I opened the Happy Meal and saw that there were no nuggets in the box....oh Lord!! Long story short Avery ended up with 2 extra nuggets and a couple bags of cookies for our trouble, at least!

Avery is mostly a girlie girl, like her mommy, and I love every minute of it, so another birthday treat was nail painting. Avery received 2 Hello Kitty cards for her day and they included nail stickers...here's the finished product with our favorite Piggy Paint, you would think that they would make the stickers smaller for kid fingers....just a thought.

I wanted to go somewhere kid fun for Avery to have dinner so we figured what better place than Red Robin...as soon as we walked in the big Red Robin scared Avery so much that she tried to run out of the restaurant and almost got trapped by the huge closing door, we calmed her down and asked if she wanted to stay and she said yes, but I think she's really more brave than anything and we knew she would not have a good time if we stayed so we went to her favorite....Chick-Fil-A, she got a cute cow and balloon from the staff and enjoyed her food.

We love to kiss our girls!

Avery had an awesome birth day, also got two sessions of Little Gym, dance clothes, tap and ballet shoes, a Barbie carrier, some fun puzzles, an outfit and lots more on the day of her birthday, we hope the day of her party is as much fun for her.

Happy birthday beautiful girl, we can't believe you're so big already. You're so smart, you light up our lives, and make us laugh. You're crazy and have an amazing heart, I want to be like you when I grow up!! Mommy, Daddy, and Sissy love you with all of our hearts!


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