2 week Drs appt

Mommy and Daddy are very excited because today we had Avery's 2 week check up. We hoped that she had been gaining weight and thought maybe she had because her cheeks looked chubbier and we noticed possibly a double chin. I was thinking maybe she was 7lbs 13oz, oh no, the doctor weighed her and she was 9lbs 0.2oz!!! I guess she's been gaining some weight from all of the milk she's been eating.

It was great to hear that she is in the top 70th percentile for her length, 80th percentile for her weight, and 90th percentile for her head size. The doctor said everything looked great and she is a healthy girl. Avery decided she'd make a messy in her diaper for the doctor as well. She got a little mad towards the end of the appointment because she was hungry, but the appointment all together went well.

We really love this doctor's office, it seems that all of the staff is great and I would recommend them to anyone.


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