Touring the Properties

Avery got her first taste of Windsor yesterday when we went to go visit Ina and the staff at Windsor at Arbors. We were in the area getting Joel's car fixed so we thought we'd visit. Ina got to hold Avery and even got a souvenir as Avery spit up on her a little. Sorry Ina!

Avery slept most of the time but Chelsea, Lindsey and Allison all got to meet her. We also had the pleasure of introducing her to Ibrahim and Joe Lillick. It's great to be able to share her with people from my company.

Today we went to visit Shirlington, where I work. It was very weird to go back into the office after almost three weeks. We got treated to some yummy lunch, thanks Windsor. It was a very nice, sunny day. Joby was missing, but Amelia, Kate, Matt, Sabrina, Emily, and Beth all got to meet little Avery.

It's also hard getting her schedule down as it changes all the time. I ended up feeding her twice and changing her once. One thing that was fun though was getting to push her around in the stroller, this was a first for me and can I just say I love, love, love this stroller.


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