Moving Again

Bullocks Headed to Charlotte
After being in our townhouse in Springfield, Va for about 7 months we are moving yet again. For those of you that can't keep up with us please be assured we should be at our next home for quite a while.

For those of you that were not aware, Joel was interviewing at a few places in DC, Maryland and Virginia, but none of those panned out. After interviewing and job searching for quite a while, the two guys that were helping him find jobs told him about an offer in North Carolina. We weren't sure we really wanted to move, with family, friends, my job and the lease, but thought it couldn't hurt to interview. So he did his phone interview and that went pretty well. Lowe's decided they were interested enough to fly him down for an interview in person. Joel wasn't sure how that interview went but we hadn't heard anything from them so we assumed they were not interested and went on with our normal lives.

All of a sudden we got a call from Lowe's saying they were interested in hiring Joel. We were very surprised and not quite sure what to do. After thinking it through we decided that this position will give him the opportunity to go further in his career. We'll also be able to buy a house, not sure if you know but housing prices near DC are crazy, and it will also allow for me to stay at home with Avery. Even thought I love my job I think at this point in our lives this is the best choice for our family.

We're very sad to be further away from our family and leave our friends, but excited that we have the chance to build our family and have a home and for Joel to have a growing career he enjoys.

They have not given us an exact date but we are thinking we will probably make our way down there around the middle of July. We are making a trip down to look at houses and hopefully close on one, however it is such a short amount of time we may need to get temporary housing. We will update you once we figure out what is going on with housing.

Please keep our family in your prayers, we promise to keep in touch, and of course the blog will keep getting updated so you can check on us periodically.


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