One month old

Avery turns one month old today, and I can't even believe how fast time has gone by! She has definitely grown since she was born. She is picking her head up more and more each day. Avery recognizes Mommy and Daddy's faces and focuses more on them now too. I love it when she is looking right at me.

Chatting is one of her newest past times, since she found her voice she is screeching, cooing and babbling. How exciting. She loves falling asleep in her swing and has been more interested in the bears on her Pack-n-Play and bassinet.

Her trips include a trip to Grandma and Grandad Bullock's, Uncle Jimmy's, Target, BJs, the grocery store and two Windsor properties.

We've been enjoying this month and have been taking lots of pictures, make sure you check our flicker account for updated pictures of our family.


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