Avery's first bottle

Avery's First Bottle
Joel gave Avery her very first bottle last night. It was almost surreal watching him feed her since I am still nursing. It was a little hard for me because I got the feeling she didn't need me anymore, although I know that's definitely not true. She did look very cute though and took well to the bottle. We know breast milk has so many more benefits and I've been blessed to provide this for her health, so we're not giving her formula.

Joel and I figured we'd need to start getting her used to the bottle once and a while so I can have some "Jenn time." Not that I really want to be away from my beautiful daughter, but it would give me time to get a pedicure or go shopping. I have not been away from Avery since she has been born, but there are a few things I cannot do with her, like getting my hair done. We also have Laura's wedding coming up and in general it gives Joel some quality bonding time with her.

I don't know when will be the next time she will have a bottle, but we know she'll be a pro at it when Joel feeds her again. He's a great daddy and so good with Avery. She adores him and is always smiling and excited when he comes home from work. He especially spent a lot of time with her this weekend and I know he'll be just fine when I do decide to venture out alone.


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