And the church continues...

Avery in her church outfit.

Pun intended; since we've been in North Carolina we've wanted to find a good church for our family. Now that I do not work on Sundays it is much easier for me to attend. We just had to decide where to start.

While driving around our neighborhood Joel found a bunch of signs for Mosaic Church and saw their web address. Being that Joel is drawn to the internet and very savy he was intrigued and decided to check it out. Not only did they have a great website that was informative but they also have a myspace page and better yet the pastor has his own blog.

After reading the church mission and making sure their core beliefs aligned with ours we decided to check it out. Now the thing about this church is that it is very different in many ways, one major difference is the location. I, as most people are used to attending "church" in the building labeled Church, however in Virginia I would hear about church being held in school gymnasiums and such. This church in-particular is held in a movie theatre. That's right the local AMC is the vessel for Sunday service.

Now, being a pretty traditional girl in most respects of my life I was a little skeptical, but decided to be open-minded and try it out. We decided to attend this past Sunday, the nice thing too is there is no required dress-code. I know a lot of churches tout this as well, however you know some of the members are looking down on you if you're not in the norm church garb. I tried to dress up a little but not as fancy as I would have for normal church services, mainly because of the impending doom of Avery spit-up and any mommy messes I may incur.

In all it was a good experience, the pastor's wife took us on a tour of the theatre, and we enjoyed the service. Avery didn't really care for the band though, it was a little loud for her ears. After the service we were invited to a Newcomers lunch, which was great. We met a lot of people and felt very welcomed. We're not quite sure if this will be our permanent church, but we are continuing to pray for God's guidance.

Click here to learn more about Mosaic Church. Their site is under renovation.


Laura said...


This reminds me a lot of our church. Can't wait for you guys to be here next weekend.

Love you

Art Teacher said...

Jenn it was great to meet you guys this weekend...That church does sound just like ours. I'm going to check out their website! Keep those sweet baby girl pics coming!

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