Another Hamunion comes and goes

Who are the Hams?
This weekend was a super hammie weekend. I can't believe I've never added anything on the blog about the hams, but I suppose it's because the last time we were together was almost two years ago at Sarah's wedding.

To keep it short, we're kind of like a sorority, but way better. In my opinion, we're sisters forever. We all met in college, became friends and left our legacy at Houghton. Ha ha! Well at least the first two are true. We had so many great times together that we just decided we'd stay friends for the rest of time. I have never quite had a group of friends like these. No matter what happens, how much, (or little) we keep in touch and how much time passes I feel like I'm just as close with these girls as I was in school.

Our very own "DJ-Mac", Laura McElheny was married in Florida. Every time one of us gets married we get to reunite, at least some of us. A very, very pregnant ham couldn't make it but was definitely missed! This was my first Hamunion as a momma, and I couldn't wait to share my beautiful daughters with her Hamties, who were very excited to meet her.

We're not in Kansas anymore...
It was our first flight with Avery and she did such a great job, she was a tad fussy but no crying, just lots of wiggling until she fell asleep. One important note for airline bound parents-to-be: Make sure you put your stroller/car seat/anything fabric in protective covering. Little did we know our beautiful car seat & stroller combo would come back to us all black. I guess you learn something new every day.

When we got to the rental car lot we got a mini blessing. There was only one mid-size car left, so the attendant asked if we wanted a free upgrade to a small SUV. This definitely helped with the luggage and the huge stroller. PTL!

It was great to see palm trees and beautiful sun, even if the humidity was thicker than chocolate frozen yogurt and peanut butter. (Some of you know what I mean.) Of course it was sunny in the Sunshine state.

Our hotel was pretty close to the airport so we headed there first. On the trip, I of course called my hams to see what they were up to...

Swine is sooo nice
After checking into our hotel we relaxed a little and met up with the crew at Embassy Suites where most of them were staying. The first person I saw was Laura, who was getting the reception hall ready for the wedding the next day. She was already glowing. I also spotted my lovely girls, Jo, Sarah, and Lacey and their men, Patrick and the Joels. Yes, there are 3 Joels associated with the Hams. For all we know Slim's given name could be Joel too....

Jo and Patrick had spoiled our fun and already had a late lunch, so the rest of us headed to Coconut Point and had a nice din-din at Cali Pizza Kitchen, which I'm sorry to say, I'd never eaten at. It was pretty darn good. I had a salad, shhhhhhhhhhhh, and it was absolutely yummy. Catching up was uber nice! We talked about family, work, and a little bit about babies too.

P & W
Praise and worship was later that night at the same church we'd be at for the wedding. Unfortunately we missed most of it because the music was waaaay too loud for lil Miss Avery. I put her in the carrier and she fell asleep. We waited to hopefully talk to the bride and groom, but ended up leaving, as we later found out, only about 10 minutes before it all ended. At least we got a chance to check out the church.

Summit church is in a brand new building and at first we weren't sure if it was constructed to be an office building, but later found out it was built specifically for the needs of the church. How unique.

Coconut Orange Juice anyone?
The next morning Avery and I got ready to go to the Bridal Breakfast at the Hyatt. (Which I might add was an amazing hotel.) I guess we got there pretty early, only a few people had arrived. Aves was sleeping again and I was debating on how to get my food with Avery in her stroller without waking her up. Finally Brandy's grandma watched her for me and brought her into the breakfast room as well. (Thanks to Brandy's g-ma, what a nice lady!)

The rest of the Hams entered looking spectacular, that's how we do. Winebrenner had made it to town too. Sarah had some tasty coconut orange juice while we all got settled.

Of course I ended up taking Avery out to change her and her entire wardrobe. By the time I came back everyone was telling amazing stories about Laura. I kept watching Jan (Laur's mom) and now being a mom myself kept thinking about how I will be when it's Avery's turn to get married. I know it's silly but I definitely got emotional. Then everyone started telling these touching stories and of course that didn't make it better. I just knew if I said one peep I would burst out into tears. I though I can either blame it on the baby blues, which ended several months ago, or not attempt to tell a story. I went for the latter enjoying everyone else's stories. I did however still end up crying when Joette stood up and talked about our amazing friend. What's a girl to do??

Romantic, Red, and Real

Finally, I've gotten to the whole reason for the trip. The wedding of Laura and Slim. The church was decorated in a romantic style with rich reds and deep black, several white candles illuminated the stage and music flowed into the reception area.

Each ham had been instructed by Laura to wear black dresses. She wanted us to feel like we were a part of her day. We also got the privilege of sitting in the second and third rows, hams only peeps!

We each received our red roses. There I was cradling Avery and the rose and hoping that she wouldn't try to eat it. Luckily my baby doesn't have cravings for greenery just yet! We took some ham pics and of course the Joel trifecta had to have one too.

It was nice walking down the aisle. I knew of course everyone would be staring at Avery, better her than me. The usher that walked me down was very attractive and had large muscles as well. I think his name was Joel Bullock if I remember right. I should have gotten his phone number.

Laura looked A-mazing walking down the aisle. I loved her dress which fit her perfectly. The way the light hit the beading was spectacular. I couldn't picture her in anything different. The vows were written by each Laura and Slim and conjured several emotions. Of course sincerity, love, but also they were real, true and some parts even funny, but not silly. The pastor was a little silly, that was nice too though it just felt right.

I love attending weddings because it makes me look deeper at my marriage and helps me to renew my own vows and remember why Joel and I got married in the first place. We've definitely come away from Laura's wedding refreshed.

Let them eat cake, and check on the baby too
When we arrived at the reception location I got Avery changed into her jammies as the party was adults only. Luckily Laura's dad hired a couple of babysitters. Unfortunately for us Avery had never stayed with a sitter or anyone else for that matter. Needless to say, we were nervous nellies about the whole situation, not wanting to leave her.
I met the two babysitters and they seemed pretty nice. We waited and waited and waited for to get into the room where they would watch Avery and a few other children. Luckily Avery was asleep.
We checked on her every 20-30 minutes and the sitters said she was doing fine. She is a pretty happy baby in general. The other baby was definitely tired or missing momma though, very sad baby.
We had some good food and great fellowship. I of course got to shake my booty with my girls on the dance floor. The band, who I have to say I was skeptical of, ended up being really, really good! They even played "Jump Around" AND it sounded good too! I had a lot of fun. Had some cake, took a bunch of pictures, talked to Laura for a quick minute and then...THE DOLLAR DANCE.
Hooray for the hams, we are so awesome. Anyway, each of us, Jo, Sarah, Lacey and I, paid a dollar to dance with the the same time! Mmmmhmmm watch out. I don't even remember what song was playing, that's how great the dance was. We tried to get Laur in our circle of love, but it was just too hard. We did end up getting a free dance with her though.
After that Joel and I ended up leaving a little early. Little Avery was sleepy and we had our fill of fun times.
It was sad to leave the hams, but I know there will be another wedding in the future. If not, we'll have to come up with another excuse instead. Like I said, no matter what we'll all be friends. I thank God for blessing me with these girls and they'll never know what they mean to me. I just hope one day my daughter can have a group of people in her life to encourage, participate, and just have the greatest memories with.


Art Teacher said...

You are an incredible updater! You covered the whole weekend...I liked it! That's a great pic of Laura and Slim :)

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