Giggles and Bubbles

Today Avery celebrates her 4 month birthday. When she was born I really didn't think she'd be doing this much by now, but I'm very excited that she is. She definitely keeps me entertained. There are a lot of new things she does now. She is laughing like crazy and that is something we definitely have to get on video! She also is blowing a lot of bubbles with her mouth, putting tons of toys and her fingers into her mouth as well. With her help, her pacifier is finding it's way out AND now back in her mouth. Her hands are definitely great tools to help her out.
As for mobility, she hasn't really rolled much lately, one arm always gets in the way, but she is very determined so we think it will be soon. However, I think she may have mastered the "side-scoot." I put her down on the playmat facing North and check on her a couple minutes later and she's facing South East, it's pretty neat.
Faces amaze her now. Avery is always grabbing Joel and my face and examing our nose, mouth and eyes, ouch! She loves looking in the mirror at herself and me too, she thinks it's one of the greatest things ever. When we traveled for Laura's wedding she definitely got to check out lots of new faces.
Her next doctor's appointment is at the end of this month when she will get more shots, but the exciting thing is we are going to check with our doctor to see if she can start eating solid foods. I don't know if Avery is more excited or I am. Avery is always very interested in our food when we eat, she loves spoons and has definitely doubled in her birth weight. She's now about 15.5lbs or maybe a little more now :)
We're very excited to be able to participate in all that she is doing now and are proud to see her developing into such a smart and beautiful baby, and for those of you in the area we have a great guest bedroom we'd love to share with you, so you can meet Avery and see how she's growing for yourself.


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