She's gonna be a basketball player

Avery just had her 4 month check up today. It was a little late because we were waiting for Joel's insurance to kick in, but the doctor and nurses say she's doing extreemly well. Besides being one of the cutest babies they know she's also growing, growing, growing. Which I could have told you that. It's funny because her long legs are hanging out of her swing and her car seat just seems to be getting smaller and smaller, when in reality our little miss is just getting bigger.

The numbers say it all, so here we go: Avery weighs 16lbs and 1oz which is the 95% for her age, her head circumference is in the 75th percentile for her age and last but not least her height is a whopping 26 inches which is over 100% for her age, so she's a tall tall girl. Now don't get me wrong this doesn't mean too much as to how tall she will be when she is an adult. We have to wait until she's 1 and bigger for that, but it's definitely exciting for me to know that she is growing. We must be doing something right. And who knows, hopefully someday (probably soon) she'll be taller than her momma.

Avery also got her 4 month vaccinations, which included 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine. The past couple of immunization appointments Avery's reactions have been somewhat mild, for getting shots that is. This time was not fun. Joel couldn't be at the appointment because of work so it was a little harder, and I'm not sure if she cried more because it hurt more or because she's getting older but she probably scared a few kids in that office with her wails.

Luckily now she is feeling better. Her injection sites were a little knotty and really red so I was a little worried because the past shots weren't like this but all of the literature says it's normal. Also, maybe one of these days I'll remember to give her a little Tylenol before the appointment.

All in all our little girl is growing up before our very eyes. We hope you are enjoying watching her turn into a big girl as well. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. And if you haven't met little Aves we hope you are able to soon.


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