Not quite a four course meal

Avery had her first scrumptious bite of baby cereal today!! We are so excited because she is growing, although now we'll actually have to pay for food.

After talking with our pediatrician we decided it was time that Avery tried solids. She seemed very interested when we would eat, has more than doubled her birth weight, can control her head and neck very very well and seems to be hungry all the time. So we had some great indicators that it may be time.

We haven't purchased a high chair yet, so her Bumbo is working as a high chair on the kitchen counter. Luckily, I had purchased bowls, spoons and cereal in anticipation for this moment. Although Avery doesn't quite get the purpose of a bib, she's always trying to eat it, she does look pretty darn cute.

So far she seems to like the rice cereal, this is not supposed to substitute nursing yet though. But it is to give her an idea of what food tastes like flavor and texture wise. We may start trying a few other foods in a week or so, that will be fun, fun, fun.


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