5 Months and rolling

Avery just turned 5 months today! She is a big big girl and we are sooo excited for her to grow. Some days she really seems like she's older than she is. She loves playing in her new activity center. It has so many toys, we definitely recommend it, it's made by Baby Einstein just like a few of her other toys. Plus the toys are only minimally noisy, thank goodness for that because Joel is not into noisy toys.

Avery is a very happy baby and spends a lot of time laughing and playing. She also likes to read and of course now everything she gets her hands on goes straight to her mouth. No teeth yet but we're waiting on them.

She just graduated to sitting in the stroller instead of just being in her carseat in the stroller, so that is big progress. She's still working on sitting up alone though, but getting the hang of it, she only falls over once and a while.

Avery hasn't started to crawl but she is really kicking her legs in preparation. Her favorite mode of transportation is rolling, yes you already know she is rolling, but she rolls all the way across the living room floor in seconds flat now. We think she is going to love roller coasters.

We can't believe she is going to be half a year next month! Our baby is growing so fast.


Liana said...

Aww, what a cutie!

It IS amazing how fast they grow, isn't it?
Hard for me to believe that Noah is almost 16 months!

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