Lots of kids and a goofy bird?

Avery and I had our first Charlotte Mommies meet up last night. We met several mommies and even more kids at Red Robin just across the street. Avery had the honor of being the youngest kid there. Of course everyone loved her.
I met a lot of really nice moms and even a couple who we may get together with someday. It was nice to get out and talk to other moms and meet some new people in general.
Avery was very very good, she didn't fuss at all, not even when the Red Robin came around to our table and shook her hand. I really thought she might cry, but she just stared at it trying to figure out what it was. Some moms were not that lucky.
Hopefully I can keep going to these events, sometimes they're a little far away or during Avery's naps but it's something both of us need.


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