Half a year, oh dear!!

So it's finally here, our little princess has turned 6 months today!! I can't believe it's been both a long and short time. In ways it seems like just yesterday I was pregnant with her and sometimes I can't imagine a time without her in our lives. This is the way I've heard it goes though and I know it will only go by faster. So we're trying to treasure her moments as much as we can.

Lately Avery has been doing a great job conquering her solids, she loves all food, but mainly peaches and sweet potatoes. She's also starting to learn how to hold a sippy cup, although she hasn't quite figured out how to drink from it. She's certainly growing from all of the milk, fruits and veggies. Hopefully she'll be a healthy eater as she develops.

Speaking of growing, Avery now weighs 16.5 pounds and is -27 inches long! Next month she will have her 6 month visit and shots, boo! Her hair is growing long in the places it has not rubbed off, somedays she looks like a mad scientist but of course still cuter than ever.

She is doing a lot of rolling around the room so we really have to keep an eye on her and is almost sitting up by herself. She's got the hang of it, but only for a few minutes or until she reaches for something. Everything is still going in the mouth and now she's learning to make sounds with her mouth and objects so she can make different noises.

Her legs and arms are very active and often we'll even find her dancing to her favorite songs in her activity center. We can tell she is losing some baby fat because she's slimming down and getting longer, soon she'll be longer than mommy, thank goodness!

She loves "airplane rides", being goofy, going for walks (when it's not too cold out) Curious George, and mornings. She does not like being tired, or not being able to reach a toy.

Next week she will be celebrating Thanksgiving for the first time with Daddy's family in Virginia. Then in December we will visit New York to see Mommy's family. We are so excited to start our family traditions with her and watch how she observes and of course grows by the end of this year.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that I do read your blogs. Though this is my first time commenting, I wanted you to know that I do read them on a faily regular basis. I am so happy to see that you are doing so well. I miss you guys so much. I can't wait to see you in NY for Christmas. Don't forget to leave some time for the Grillo girls!

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