Lil' Touch of D.C.

After little planning we finally got Matt and Jenn to make the 6 hour trek to North Carolina to see us. The last time we saw them was before we left Virginia in July, so Avery was very small then. Matt and Jenn were supposed to arrive at around 12:00 PM, but with weather and the oh so awesome Virginia traffic, (which we don't miss one bit), then ended up getting here around 3:00 AM. The only reason I knew this was because I was up with Avery at the same time Joel was waiting for them to get here. But that's another blog. :)

The next morning we got to spend some quality time with them. Avery really warmed up to Matt and especially Jenn, as you can see in the picture above. I think it looks like a family photo personally. I made my famous pancakes and turkey bacon for them to munch on while Avery and I took a nap. We had a great time catching up and at lunchtime convinced them to try our new favorite Chinese Restaurant P. F. Chang's. We all loved it, especially Jenn.

At North Lake Mall, Matt and Jenn picked up some supplies that they both forgot while packing, (again that's another blog.) It was a good excuse for them to see the mall anyway, and also for Avery to catch a nap.

Since it's not possible for us to get out at night yet we tried to figure out what we would do with Jenn and Matt and realized, Game Nights, Hellllooooo. So we got out a favorite Apples to Apples, ordered pizza and just stayed in, which was a blast. We did have a hard time being quiet so Avery wouldn't wake up but overall it was a great time.

The next morning we said, "Goodbye," to our D.C. friends and reminded them how much cheaper Charlotte is than anywhere close to D.C. Unfortunately their trip home was just as eventful as the one here and they got a flat tire. But thankfully they were safe and got it taken care of quickly.

After that debacle I don't know if they'll come visit soon, but I'm sure after seeing Avery again and game night with us they won't be able to stay away for too long. Thanks again for visiting guys, we really enjoyed your stay!!


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