If you're a mommy or going to be one someday...

...here are some things you may want to think about getting to save your life!!!! I've listed the top 10 things I couldn't live without being a mom, at least a mom to a baby. These do not include the givens, diapers, wipes, food, but are definitely things you may want to look into.

In no specific order:

1. Diaper Genie II- especially now that she is eating solids, I don't think we could live without it. Plus it's so easy to take out and change the cartridges.

2. Purell Hand Sanitizer- for times when you could use a sink but there's none around. Love the stuff with aloe so your hands don't dry out too.

3. Baby carrier- any kind will do, I have Infantino. But this comes in handy for shopping, simple housework or just calming your baby down sometimes even putting them to sleep. Not so great for doing dishes or anything food related.

4. Burp cloths- Avery is the spit up queen, so this was and is still a must for us. We have them upstairs, downstairs, in the car, in the diaper bag, and still that's not enough. Easy to wash and handy for explosions.

5. Swing- I love love love the Fisher Price Papasan! It's so versatile you can rock two different ways, and Avery loves the mirror and animals. Unfortunately, the weight limit says 25lbs but Avery is topping it off at 17.5lbs. She is too big for the seat and when we put her in it creaks, probably not a great sign. But she has used it tons since birth, so I'd say we got our money's worth, if you don't have one and have a new baby put this on your registry!

6. Gas drops- these were a huge help. I use Little Tummies Gas Drops, I've also heard that their Gripe Water is a good one, we buy these in bulk :):)

7. At least 2 changing pad covers- of course changing pad covers are a must, but I love that I have two, when one is in the wash I can use the other, I don't have to wait for it to wash and dry, this definitely saves me time and is well worth it.

8. Pampers diapers- I was going to just put Swaddlers on here, but since then I've also used Cruisers and Baby Dry and love all of the Pamper Line diapers. They are great, as far as diapers go. They may be a little more expensive than some others, but I've not had one pee-pee leak period.

9. A good watch- not just any watch, a watch with a stopwatch feature is a must. I use mine to time feedings and also to see how long she is awake and sleeping. Even to this day I am using it to help me remember. Lord knows every mom has a lot of things on her mind already, why not help yourself out a little bit? The only thing is you have to remember to set the timer or else it's worthless. It's more sporty than fashionable but then again now you're a mommy. Sometimes fashion has to suffer when it comes to convenience.

10. One word: Boppy. I use this for lots of stuff. Mainly to feed Avery, it saves my back and gives her and I support. Whether your baby is formula-fed or breast-fed you can use this. We also used to prop Avery up with it when she was very small and then when she was learning to sit up alone used it as a cushion. The covers and Boppy are both washable and easy to travel with.

I hope these suggestions help you. I know there are tons more but these were the most important to me.


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