Le Septième Mois

Hooray, today Avery turns 7 months old!! We can't believe she's getting so big. (I know I say this every post.) But now she is getting closer and closer to the year mark. Avery is doing all kinds of things, she's quite the comedienne lately too. She's learned how to fake laugh and does so often.
When Avery gets excited, which happens frequently, she starts breathing loud and fast. Avery also has learned how to lick her lips, which is both funny and cute, until she becomes a teenager. She continues to be a happy baby, unless she's sick or teething of course.

Speaking of teething, Avery has two teeth coming in under her gums. I thought by now she would have a full head of hair but so far she's just losing more, except the crazy long hair on top. It's okay though we love our crazy haired baby!

Lil one is quite the sharer, she often tries to give Joel or me her pacifier, although it's tempting we often turn her offer down. Her favorite word right now is, "Mama," although she doesn't quite know that I'm momma.

As for the food department Avery is eating everything from cereals to fruits and veggies. She's even gotten the hang of finger foods. Gerber has some great puffs that dissolve for babies without teeth. They're pretty tasty if I don't say so myself (yes I have tasted them.)

Sleep and nap times have gotten a little longer but Avery is still not sleeping through the night. We did move her mattress down one rung though because she was starting to pull herself up and we definitely don't want her falling out. I've also put a few toys in her crib, like a rattle so that she can play when she gets up for a little bit.

No crawling yet but we do get some backward scoots every once and a while and Joel says he saw Avery on all fours once. She's got the rolling thing down, that's her preferred method of transportation.

We're super excited about her first Christmas this month and can't wait to see her open more presents, although we have to be super diligent about paper going in the mouth.

We're very excited for our little girl to continue growing and being healthy and happy. Thank you for your constant thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

yeah she is big it was a great time playing with her for xmas and it was fun playing the wii!!! love u hayley

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