Season of runny noses

(Not a picture of Avery)

Avery got her first cold yesterday, poor girl. I wasn't sure if she was teething or really had a cold because she was acting normal but her nose was a little runny and a slight fever. But she got stuffier and stuffier as time passed. Then when it came to bedtime it was a mess. I tried to help her to breathe better by using the nose sucker, humidifier and we ended up having a sleepover.

I'm pretty used to not getting too much sleep, as Avery is typically up 5-8 times a night but I got even less sleep last night. She slept on my chest about 80 % of the night, I did also try to put her in her car seat. ( suggested this so she was elevated.) But she wasn't comfy and I was so nervous she might somehow fall out I slept next to her on the floor. It was a funny sight I'm sure!

She woke up this morning with a runny eye but is in a great mood, so that's nice at least. Hopefully she'll get feeling better, I don't like my baby to not feel well. But unfortunately I know that kids get sick a lot, I just wish she could talk to me so I could make it better faster. So is the life of a parent.


Liana said...

I hear ya, Jenn!!!

Liana said...
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