Another Tooth and Other Things

After almost a month Avery's second tooth has emerged. Her bottom, front two teeth are now ready to do some chomping. When she got her first tooth you could see the next one under the gums so I figured it would come in right away, but I guess it wasn't ready. Nonetheless, maybe now she'll look a little less funny with two teeth instead of just one.

She has definitely bit her tongue a couple of times and does not like that one bit. I'm also going to start a dental routine pretty soon. They say as soon as the tooth comes up you should start. Avery's a pretty strong willed baby and I figure if I start early then that will help.

Not only does she have a new pearly white, but she's also crawling around a ton! She definitely does the army crawl and doesn't crawl with her belly off the floor but she does have her back and forth dance when she's on all fours, so I know the full-on crawling is going to come soon. Watch out mommy and daddy!

Today was the first day Avery has worn her hair in pigtails. Normally she's the headband queen, thanks to me, but it's just gotten too long and I can't drag myself to giving her the ponytail on top, which I like to refer to as: "The Sumo ." It looks just like a sumo wrestler hair. Some kids can pull it off (and some definitely can't but do anyway.) It's just not for Avery.

Avery has been avidly signing "more" I am so excited that she is getting baby sign language down, this means we can communicate with each other even more. I'm trying to teach her, eat, Mommy and Daddy. Joel happens to hate the sign for daddy and wants something more "manly."


Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the pigtails!

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