I miss my voice

So I'm ringing in the new year with the worst cold I've had in a while. It started with the sniffles and then I thought I was getting bronchitis, but then my throat hurt and I was just a mess. At my worst Joel stayed home from work so he could take care of Avery and me too. I also got to go to the doctor while he was watching her.

After calling several offices, (since I do not have a primary care physician, and know I should have gotten one by now,) surprisingly I got in the same day. I had to drive 30 minutes but it was well worth it. Dr. Ryan was very nice. He told me that I had/have walking pneumonia, not as strong as pneumonia but still kind of stinky, especially when you have a little one.

In the course of being sick I tried my hardest not to smooch Avery or get Joel sick. I also lost my voice and have not yet gotten much of it back. Unless I want to talk like Barry White it's just a complete mess. I am feeling better though, with the exception of having to cough all the time, but cannot really hold a good conversation.

Hopefully within the next few days I'll be doing much better and able to talk to people on the phone, and on the street without getting weird looks. Otherwise I'll either have to start endorsing smoking or working for a 1-900 number.


Liana said...

AH, this crud is going around - my husband has had it, too.
Not fun, not fun.
Praying that you'll be feeling better soon!

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