Man I Love Fridays....

So I haven't posted about this mommy group I'm in, mainly because I've heard it's not nice to brag. But I'm just so happy and have to share all the good news and great people I've been meeting.

It all started when I joined Charlotte Mommies (see earlier post,) so then I joined up on with a Multicultural Family group, which is great too. Joel was searching for me for some strictly mommy groups and found Charlotte MILFs, a mom's group for younger moms who want to have fun. The funniest thing (I have to be completely honest, I hope they don't kick me out for this) was when Joel said their name. I was like, "I don't want to be in that group, they're probably a little wild." Well little did I know they are wild, but in a great, fun, mommy way. Anyway after a couple of days I finally broke down and joined. This is seeming to be one of the best things that has happened to me.

I know it sounds a little much, but honestly I started meeting some really great ladies. And for those of you who are mommies you know there is just this unsaid bond that moms share and automatically have so much in common and just understand.

I've been attending a fair amount of meetups and have hung out with a few of the girls outside the events as well. I'm making some really good friends that I never would have met otherwise and am regaining myself most importantly. Being away from family, and friends when we moved down here and then having a very young infant and being a stay-at-home mom on top of all that really made me feel lonely and isolated.

My world has completely changed, I have plans now and Avery is meeting some fun kids too, which is good for her socialization. These girls have given me sanity, reassurance, and some great laughs.

Recently I was asked to be an assistant member and became "The Milfinator." Anyway this was a great honor as I am so appreciative of this group that I really do want to give back. I can't wait to see all the kids grow up and forge even better friendships with these ladies. God has really blessed me with these amazing women and I thank him everyday.


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