9 down 3 to go!

Wow time sure is flying by. It seems like Avery just arrived. She's been hanging out with us as long as I was pregnant, that's really hard for me to imagine. It seems like this month Avery has changed more than ever. I don't know her height and weight because her doctor's appt is on Wednesday, but I know she's grown and she seems to be getting a little thinner too. Her hair on the other hand is growing very long, we do pony tails, pig tails, side ponies, who know what's next for baby Rapunzel.

Avery's becoming quite the comedienne, she loves to laugh even if it's a fake laugh or just to get attention. Lately she enjoys making bubbles with her mouth, silly kid. Perhaps she will be a performer, she's always dancing whenever she hears music, and if it's music she knows then she will pretend to sing, mouthing the words. Hilarious!

I know Avery is a big girl because she has decided that she'd rather stand up than sit down. Not only can she go from sitting to standing, but she also loves to stand and with one hand touch the ground while holding onto furniture. She's also testing her ability to stand without holding onto Mommy or furniture, so far we've gone up to about a minute, that's a long time in baby world.

We think that Avery is going to be a little daredevil. She loves to play "airplane" and horse around. She's kind of rough when it comes to play, this girl is not shy at all. So far I've decided that she'll either be a pro wrestler or an stunt woman. I guess it's kinda the same thing huh? Nonetheless, she is fearless, which causes me to believe that next month's update may say something about her walking.

Comprehension has exploded this past month. Avery not only understands and signs more, but she also understands eat, snack and no. See a pattern with some of the words? This girl looooves food. She even started a few table foods including crackers and cottage cheese. She also tried avocado but hated it, me too!! She loves to shake her head "no," but doesn't understand what it means when she does it, I'm sure she'll learn soon enough though. This week she has been waving to everyone, hello, goodbye, I think her arms are tired.

Avery just recently celebrated her first Valentine's Day. A few days before we had a Valentine play date where Avery got a bunch of great cards from her friends. She also got cards from all the grandparents. Nana got her a couple of cute outfits and some more Webkinz, Avery loves her froggie. Avery also got a Valentine picture from her favorite sweetheart and husband-to-be, Brandon Jackson. What a great holiday it was for Avery.

I think that's pretty much all the new stuff for now. It's amazing to see how fast she's picking up on things, she is such a kid now and so not a baby, and soon she'll be one. Thanks for sharing our adventures, keep checking the blog, and feel free to subscribe.


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