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Joel, Avery and I were all blessed with a visit from Joel's parents who live in Virginia. This was their second trip to our house and it was a nice visit. Avery woke up from her nap right as they arrived, I think somehow she knew we were getting visitors.

She had not seen them since Thanksgiving (3 months) and in baby time that's forever. She of course did not really remember them from the last time so it took her a little bit of time to warm up, but once she did she was waving and babbling and just being her plain old silly self.

Not only did Joel's mom and dad come, but they brought a humongous television with them which all three of them hauled up our spit level stairs. Thankfully no one got hurt, although I was pretty nervous.

While they were here we did a little bit of shopping, Joel grilled, we took them out to dinner and of course played the traditional Bullock family Crazy 8's. I didn't do so well but it was a lot of fun. I love spending time with Joel's parents and it was good for Avery to be around them too. We will see them again shortly when we go up to Virginia for Joel's brother's wedding.


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