Sweet Sixty

Happy 60th Birthday James Addison Bullock Sr.!!!!

This past weekend, we had the opportunity to travel up to Virginia to attend a surprise party for Joel's dad. The weekend was not only a big deal because it was his 60th, but I've been told that it's very hard to pull a surprise on him. But, we totally did!! (Joel and I also surprised him when we announced we were pregnant with Avery.)

We decided to drive up on Saturday morning, and Avery was amazing considering we usually drive at night when she's asleep. We only needed to make one stop on the 6 hour drive. When we got into town we obviously couldn't go to Joel's parents so we went to visit his brother instead.

Since our old cat Luna now lives with Jimmy and Stacy we also thought it would be neat for Avery to meet her. Avery has never seen a cat in person so she was a little confused, and did her new face, which I call, "The Scowl." See picture ------>

Anyway once Avery warmed up to Luna and tried to pet/fall on her, Luna was scared of Avery and ran away. It was funny.

Back to the party...we went to Quantico and waited until Joel's mom brought the man of the hour. He was definitely very surprised. It was nice to see and meet family and friends of the family.

Joel and Jimmy said some great words about their dad and Harvey, James' older brother told a funny story about almost burning the town down. The food was delicious, Avery ate a lot too!

You have to have dancing and of course singing with the Bullocks. Avery loved the music and was bouncing around in her high chair, it was a funny sight to see.

I think everyone had an amazing time, and even though we were just there last month you can never see family too much. Luckily they live a lot closer than New York too, otherwise it'd be much much harder. I can't imagine the trip with two little ones... that'll come soon enough.

Joel also took his dad out with a few other family members to play laser tag. How fun!! I don't know who won but I'm guessing they all had an amusing time.

We left on Sunday, but not before we enjoyed a brunch of yummy leftovers and the company of some family members who came to watch Addison open gifts. So happy happy 60th, we're glad we were able to come celebrate with you!!!


bpayne said...

Ok your family flickr photos are cracking me up...I see lamp shades and a jacket...hmmm...

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