Daddy Day!!

This past weekend was Father's Day and we had some great celebrating to do. This was Joel's second Father's Day, but Avery was sooo little last year, so this one counted even more.

Joel's real gift was part of a rollercoaster trip to Georgia and Alabama obviously it didn't pay for all of it but we think he had a lot of fun there anyway.

Father's Day morning Avery and I woke up, and I started making Joel's favorite breakfast or really anytime food: Pancakes! Joel came downstairs and played with Avery while I coerced her to give him his Father's Day card, and she did soooo good too!!!
After I was done making my yummy pancakes, (sorry laur not out of a can,) I told Joel to put Avery in her highchair which I so trickily placed his other daddy day gift on.

Avery and I had a play date last Thursday; Little Monet for Daddy Day where we had our mommy group come over and make shirts for daddies, boy was that fun/chaotic, but that's a whole other story.

Anyway, his shirt turned out pretty well:

Front: "World's Greatest Dad" True that!
Back: " I (heart) Daddy" with Avery's hands, those were NOT easy to get :)
After gifts and breakfast we called our respective dads to wish them Happy Father's day and then tried to decide what to do with the rest of our day. We thought of maybe going to a theme park but the good ones were too far away (4 hours drive there and 4 back) and it was too hot out for little Aves and she's still a tad too little to enjoy any sort of park. So we decided to stay home and enjoy our family, until we decided to make a purchase (as Joel would say,) on the DARK side. Ha ha, check out our next post but we got a Wii yippee.

Avery really really loves her daddy and she must have known it was his special day because she hurt her chin and surprisingly, but in a good way she wanted daddy. He passed her off to me and she wanted to go back to him again. It was really sweet to see that. Whenever Avery's awake she always sends Joel off with a wave or blows kisses and she's also always excited when he comes home from work, she loves to greet him at the front door and then be bashful when he tries to kiss her. She loves when he "chases" us upstairs and is always saying and signing, "Dada."

Gone are the days of the baby tub, but Avery still loves it when daddy gives her a bath. I can always hear her splish splashing and just laughing the whole time.

Happy Father's Day Joel, I hope you had a great day. Avery is lucky to have such a good daddy!


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