We got a Wii

After little discussion, and I really do mean just a little, we finally broke down and bought a Wii.

My sister got one last Christmas and we had a lot of fun playing it but didn't seriously think about getting one until just recently. We knew a few of our friends had them as well, and decided to start the "wii search '08" since we knew most people had a really hard time finding them. In fact, Joel was trying to find one before last Christmas for my sister and stood in line at Best Buy and the whole shebang.

The day before Father's Day we inquired at Best Buy about how to go about the search and they gave us a few tips and also told us that they would not be getting any the next day. So we didn't really think much of it until mid-day on Father's day. Joel decided to call a few places one of which being the Target near us, and believe it or not the customer service rep said they had some and then encouraged Joel to come quickly if he wanted to nab one. So he did.

He left while Avery and I hung out here and it took him a little while, but he finally ended up calling me and telling me that they were out and asked if we, "needed anything else," which got me thinking that he was lying straight off. So I sent him for a few things for Avery and as he took longer and longer I just knew he got it after all.

Fast forward, Joel arrives home and I give him this, "yeah right" look and he did his, "I can't hide anything" look and pulled out the Target bag with the Wii in it.

Surprisingly we haven't played it too much since we got it, but we did create our Mii's and Avery had some fun with the box too.


Laura said...

we love our wii.

it is great fun for the whole fam:)

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