Oy My Hip!!

After having Avery I had pretty consistent back pain which I attributed to my hips being in a different location from pregnancy and also just the fact of carrying Avery around so much. Well, recently I had a pretty intense back ache which just got worse and worse. It started as some general pain in my back and then became severe pain in my hip and leg. It felt so much like a Charlie horse at times and then other times felt like my leg had just fallen asleep.

I'm not a huge fan of going to the doctor, but after two sleepless nights I decided it might not be such a bad idea. Some of my friends thought I may have pinched my sciatic nerve and I looked it up online as well and the symptoms sounded exactly what I was experiencing. So, after being squeezed into my doctors he concluded that it was just as I'd though Sciatica. He said I had pinched my sciatic nerve somewhere around my S1 disk (for those of you who know anything about backs.) He gave me a couple of strong prescriptions and told me to try to relax and not do anything that hurt. He and I knew this would be a hard task with Avery, but I've been trying to relax for the most part and Joel's been taking care of Avery more this weekend.

The pain meds are helping a little however last night the anti-inflammatory made me very sick. So I'm not taking those anymore. The doctor said it'd be about 3-4 weeks before I was feeling back to normal. So unfortunately I need to take it a little easier. I can definitely tell when I over do it, especially in the morning when the meds have worn off.

Hopefully I recover quickly so I can chase Avery around even more and have even more fun times with my family. I'd love any thoughts and prayers you may have!!


Unknown said...

I hope your back feels better soon. I'm glad you have a blog.

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