Oh The Things I Should Do...

So I've decided that I need to change a few things and I figured if I wrote them on the blog that would help me be more accountable for them. Some are just silly but most will improve my quality of life and those around me.

1. Do devotions or be in the Word at least on a daily basis.
- I definitely need and miss having that quality time with God and need to remember that even though life is crazy I still need to make time for Him.

2. Go to bed at 11:00, no later than 12:00
-I know it's late, but it's an improvement. I tend to stay up because I get "busy" and also I know Avery will be up shortly, but I could definitely use more sleep.

3. Try to go out for a walk/jog with Avery 3-4 times a week
-Since my back and ankle are feeling better now I want to get back into working out. It's definitely more challenging now with my work schedule changing to 4 days as of next week, but something I want to fit in. Plus it gets Avery some good air, before it gets too cold.

4. Make more meals from home and eat out less
-Because of our late schedules: Joel home at 6:PM, me off work at 7:PM, Avery to bed 7:30/8:PM Joel and I tend to have dinner late, by that time I'm pretty wiped and just ready to relax. I definitely think it's healthier and cheaper and need to also be willing to take the help that's offered from my loving hubby to cook.

5. Take a family vacation
-I'm not talking about holidays, those are already included. Even if it's just a weekend trip I want to start taking Avery on vacations even though she doesn't remember I want to do this at least every year.

Okay, that's pretty much it for now. So wish me luck, say a prayer for me and by all means feel free to check up on me :):)


Jason, Nicole, and Rowen said...

I am with you girl!!! I am trying ot cook more too. With our crazy schedule it is hard at times, but I just need to make sure I have all the ingredients I am going to need. I have a SUPER organized friend who is a mom of 3 little ones and she plans her weekly meals and goes shopping for what she needs for the week. I need to try to do that .
Hey, on a side note, any chance of you guys having a 2nd cutie anytime soon?:)

Jason, Nicole, and Rowen said...

Hey friend! It is nicoleargo@yahoo.com. Wish we lived closer!!!

Brandi said...

Hey, thanks for letting me know! I just updated the link on the top left of my blog. . and the one on www.kidslake.org works too! Thanks!

It needs to work b/c there are only a few hours left!


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