All Things Green

Most of you don't know the struggle we've had with little miss and any kind of veggies. She used to love her veggies when she was a baby and they were pureed, but somehow decided that she would not eat veggies ever again, or at least until our recent breakthrough!

I am constantly reading in parenting magazines and online as well that often it will take children up to 13/15 times of trying a food to actually decide that they like it. Well when Avery stopped eating her veggies I figured we would just keep putting them on her high chair tray. After many countless hours of dodging peas, picking up carrots, and throwing away uneaten green beans, Avery's finally come around.

Check out the awesome footage of dinner tonight. I made sure this was her second night in a row of good veggie eating because I didn't want to jinx it!!


bpayne said...

I don't believe you that she never liked her veggies. Can you teach Meredith this trick? I'll get Aves sleeping through the night if you do haha.

Laura said...

I love the way she was shoveling em right in...

Gosh she's cute!

Jess said...

That's so funny how she was eating them, hehe! Glad she is liking them now though. We had sort of the same problem with Livy, except with fruit. She didn't like anything for awhile except bananas. She liked everything as a baby. We just recently got her eating cut up grapes with the bananas. She's still iffy on fruit juice though!

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