Tag I'm It!!

So I was blog stalking tonight and noticed my friend Kiley had a new post about being "tagged." After reading the premise and reading her random facts I thought to myself, "Self, how much fun would that be to do that on my blog." And wouldn't you know that Kiley used me as one of the people she tagged, so now instead of making something up, I actually have a valid blog tag to respond to :):) Thanks Kiley!

Now I just have to think, think, think....while I'm thinking here are the "rules...."

Random Facts about me (Jenn):

1. I cannot take baths unless there's no other option. Someone once told me, "Isn't it gross that you're sitting in your own dirt?!?" And for some reason that just freaked me out, so I think I've taken about 2 baths in the past 15 years. I know it's totally mental but something weird about me.

2. I love love love how clean my teeth feel after going to the dentist. If I could go every month I totally would. I know I'm in the minority liking going to the dentist but if it means I can feel every groove in between my teeth and they're so smooth and clean then I'm all about it.

3. You wouldn't know it but I have 14 piercings and two tattoos, but I'm pretty straight-laced. When I was younger my youth group would go to Ocean City, NJ for a retreat every year. My best friend and I started a tradition and would get our ears pierced at least once if not twice. So it was more of a bonding time than a rebelious time. A few of my piercings are closed up. Note to those who want to get their belly button pierced and want to have children...DON'T. It's not pretty.

4. I played the cello from 6th grade through high school and for part of a semester in college. I would totally love to start playing again, but with both a lack of time and lack of money to buy a cello there's no way, at least not for quite a few years. I also played the violin for one year and the flute for half a year in grade school.

5. I still get scared in the dark, I know again another mental issue, but it happens. Even in my own home there are moments when I'll run up stairs really quick after turning the lights off. We do have quite a few night lights around the house to help stifle this mini-fear though.

6. I despise clutter, whether it's things around the house, a full voice mail box or old emails in an inbox. I always delete emails that don't need to be saved. I don't know why I'm like that but it's just something that's a huge pet peeve of mine. I guess maybe because I try to be efficient and proactive and if things are cluttered it just makes those things harder.

7. Avery, Joel and I love going to random places to hang out together. A couple of our semi-traditional visits are going to Best Buy so Joel can look at "toys" and Avery can run around and not really bother anyone. We also like going to the pet store as a family, Avery's favorites are the fish, maybe some day we'll have a family pet, right Joel????

I am tagging: Laura G., Jess B., Nicole A., Rigel S., Jenn G., Carly, and Barbara P. Good luck ladies!! Have fun and I can't wait to see your blog!


Art Teacher said...

I have read your random facts and created my own.:) I have to say that it was much harder than I thought...my mind kept drawing a blank. I din't follow the rules though, b/c I just tagged people and I was afraid that they would get tired of me tagging them too much!

Unknown said...

I actually like going to the dentist as well for the same reason. I hate eating something later in the day because it ruins that clean feel! And I am sometimes afraid of the dark too!

Thanks for playing!

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