Tick O Tee

For Avery's second Halloween we decided to get her an actual costume this year. I found the Tigger costume that I gave a sneak peek of and once she got it on I knew it was purrrfect!

Our Halloween started off with a very fun kiddie party. We went to our friend Noele's house where Avery saw three bees, an elephant, a flower and many more cute kids dressed up. She had the house decorated in a cute Halloween way and even had Halloween themed food. Avery had a great time, got a cute candy bag, and even participated in a small parade and got a little bit of candy. I have to say I had fun too!! Here are some pictures from the party:

Later that evening Joel and I planned on taking Avery out to trick-or-treat in our neighborhood. When Joel got home from work Avery was dressed in her Tigger costume, candy bag in hand, ready to go.

We drove Aves around in her little pink buggy car and it was pretty nice out weather wise. Avery's best attempt at saying, "Trick or Treat" was "Tick O Tee," and it worked since it was super cute! She did make sure to say her pleases and thank yous too. Avery/Tigger was a huge hit in the neighborhood and even got about 10 suckers from one of the neighbors!

Here's a short, dark, home video of Avery loving tick-o-teeing. She really loved it the more she did it. We decided to go around only until it started to get dark outside. By then Avery had enough candy and fun for the night anyway.

There weren't too many lights on around the McIntyre hood so we decided to be the cavity fairies! We turned out light on out front doorstep so we could hand out some candy to the kids in our neighborhood. We didn't buy any candy specifically for trick-or-treating so we hurried to scrounge up some good treats and did find some good candy, and gave some of Avery's "bribe" suckers away too. (Sorry Aves!)

Last year we had lots of kids come in no costumes and it was so frustrating, I'm not sure that that would have happened 20 some years ago when I was a kid. Anyway, this year Joel decided that kids that were dressed got a few pieces of candy and the ones that didn't got one. One place was making the children/teens that didn't dress up sing a song. I thought that was creative!

Like any kid Avery started checking out her stash, not for the normal kid reasons, but more for the fact that she loves to take things out of containers and put them in and do this repetitively. Secretly, we were totally fine with this because we'd rather have her play with the candy than eat it anyway.


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