Thanks-getting?? Part 2

One of my favorite foods that I can ONLY get in New York is of course my mom's cooking. She is a really good cook and even though she wasn't feeling well because of her surgery and couldn't eat with us she prepared the best Thanksgiving dinner. We put the turkey in the oven while we played with Avery. Avery ended up taking an awesome 3 1/2 hours nap which allowed us to prep the rest of the food and her nap continued right into the middle of us eating Thanksgiving dinner. Luckily she woke up just in time for some yummy food!

We decided that Thanksgiving would be a good time to open presents, since it was afterall a holiday! Although it was only November there was snow on the ground, the tree was up, and there were beautifully wrapped presents waiting for us, so it really did feel a little bit like Christmas.

Avery loved opening presents this year, and I think we enjoyed watching her even more. She peeled back each piece and handed us the "trash." She really got into it and she especially loved her laptop, doll house, and hat.

It was a nice relaxing day to enjoy each other's company and have fun at home. We definitely had some tasty left overs and spent the rest of the night together.


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