Thanks-getting?? Part 3

The day after Thanksgiving was our day to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Carls. That morning we relaxed at my mom's house, watched a little bit of TV, and had some yummy Texas Hot while Aves took her nap.

Can I just take a moment to acknowledge the mmm, mmm, goodness of the famous Texas Hot restaurant in Wellsville, New York. Google it, go to it, and you'll never want to come back.

Honestly though this restaurant is a staple in my home town. Whenever people come back to the town visiting and eating at "The Hot," is a must. Aside from visiting family and friends, getting Texas Hot for a meal (or two;)) is definitely top 5 for me. I think I could eat there every lunch and dinner or every day, however I would probably weigh 500lbs by next Christmas. My favorite you ask??? Texas Cheeseburger, light on the onions, fries with gravy (that's right gray-vee!), and occasionally an order of onion rings to share. Mmm just writing about it makes my mouth water.

Anyway, their prices are low, the food is amazing, and you know when there's a line out the door that this is the place to eat. Much love Texas Hot!! (P.S. I tried to vote for them for the Food Network show Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, but have yet to hear back.)

Back to our Post-Thanksgiving celebration. We went up to my sister, Britny and her fiance, Shawn's house which was a nice change this year. They are expecting a little baby boy in February and this was the first time I had seen them since. My sister was glowing and is so excited to be a mommy and I'm very, very happy for her and Shawn!

We also got to see my little brother, Seth and my dad, Brian and his wife, Della.

We did get to meet a cute little guy named fuzzy too, but I didn't get his picture. So this one will have to represent him:

The guys played Rock Band (I think) and Avery watched since she's a guitar lover herself. After she got bored with that she decided to play on the historical Goodyear blimp toy that used to be Shawn's dads! How crazy is that!

Again Avery loved opening her presents, her coloring books, clothes, and fun Dora hair ties. We enjoyed some great home made pizza that Della and Britny worked hard on, while Aves ate her Lunchable. We had a good night and nice conversation as it had been quite a while since we'd seen them.


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