Seven, and Counting!

Yesterday I hit a wonderful goal in my weight loss voyage. I lost a total of exactly seven pounds in 3 weeks. Now to those who are huge Biggest Loser fans this may not sound like much, but for a smaller person who doesn't have a nutritionist, trainer, and a 24/7 work out facility it's pretty darn good.

It's more than you can count on one hand....well some people at least.

I wanted to share my success with you all as my countdown to health continues and I'll keep you filled in with my progress!


Unknown said...

Hooray for you!!! Keep up the discipline and hard work!

I'm in that great stage where my whole life is wrapped up in gaining weight for the baby...just not too much!!! But, I sure can justify a few more cookies, etc. Bad mama!!!

Anonymous said...

woot woot proud of you!!

Andrew & Jennifer said...

Jenn - that's awesome! Good for you! May you stay on track and your success continue to help you. What is going to be your reward - a new pair of pants, sweater, shoes???

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