Finally 21!

Months that is! Avery turns 21 months today which means one step closer to her second birthday. Wasn't she just born yesterday?!?!

In an effort to do a "quick" update. Here are some pictures and fun things Avery is doing these days.

Avery loves "hiding" on Joel. When he comes home she says, "Boo Daddy," or "Roar," to surprise him. Not sure where she got this one from ;) ;)

Aves likes to play dress up and we're constantly adding pieces to her collection. One of her favorites though is my purse and shoes.

On the scholarly side she can count up to 15 in English although occasionally she gets stuck on 1-2-1-2 and 8-9-8-9 and thanks to Dora and Diego 10 in Spanish! Avery says Gracias often too, but instead of using it for thank you she thinks it means Bye. At least she's polite. She hasn't quite mastered the spanish language though, but I'm sure in the next couple of months that will be her new first language. Guess we'd better start taking lessons to keep up with little lady!

Our very social girl tries to include everyone with her greetings from hola, hello, hi, and hey. She talks to mostly anyone we see, with the exception of a few "daddies." Avery labels every adult as either a mommy, (for women,) or daddy, (for men.) Occasionally she'll get upset when a man is, in her opinion, standing too close, or talking to her. What cracks me up though is when she looks down and sits really still pretending that if she doesn't move they can't see her.

Along with Avery labeling Mommy and Daddy she's been naming her foods depending on their size. I'm guessing because I'm shorter than Joel and Avery's shorter than me that she interprets that as the norm. She will size up her hot dogs from the smallest piece to the biggest and label the biggest Daddy, middle Mommy, and smallest baby.

We are still potty training but going very slow and steady with it. There are some days she won't want to use the potty so we don't force it. She's doing a great job at pulling up her panties and pants on her own. Avery's also letting us know more when she's wet and wants to be changed, so I think we're headed in the right direction.

Joel said that Avery loves practicing her swimming skills in the tub and I can definitely hear her splish-splashing and laughing too.

So you can see she's changing by the minute and we're just trying to keep up. Thanks for letting us share about our beautiful 21 month old girl.


Mrs. Guthrie said...

Oh my word, Jen, she is SO CUTE!!!!! And I LOVE the template! :)

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