Give me a "P"!

Once upon a Christmas, Christmas 2008 to be exact, Joel and I bought Avery a Dora training potty. Well, little did I know it would come in quite handy during the month of February.

We often encourage Avery to sit "upon her throne," whether she's fully clothed or undressed, just to get her used to sitting on the potty. So it was like every other day when I sat her on her potty last Tuesday. I watched her and then as she got off the potty I figured I would move it to it's original spot. Luckily, I was very careful with the potty to begin with because otherwise there would have been a huge mess to clean up, for Avery had gone "pee-pee"!!!

Let me tell you, she had no clue what was going on. I was jumping around, singing a made up potty song, and extremely ecstatic. Avery got to flush and say goodbye to the potty and then her favorite part was washing hands and lastly she got to pick out two stickers, one to put on the calendar and one for her hand. Although I'm not sure she understood her accomplisment, Avery was very proud of her stickers.

She's been going potty almost every day since then and yesterday she even went twice. So little to our surprise, we're slowly in the process of potty training. We're excited that she's ready but sad that she's ready too. Our little baby is growing up and we're so proud of her!!!


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